Humbrol WW11 Axis Luftwaffe Paint & Brush Set AA9065

Humbrol WW11 Axis Luftwaffe Paint & Brush Set AA9065

3 Brushes

8 Paints

Enamel Paint and Brush WWII Luftwaffe Set Humbrol AA9065The Paint & Brush Sets here are for those wanting a good concise selection of paints and brushes in one easy purchase. These sets are particularly helpful for anyone using these excellent paints for non-plastic modelling hobbies and tasks.Contents‚ 33 Black‚ 53 Gunmetal‚  240 Grau‚ 241 Schwartgrun‚ 242 Dunkelgrun‚  247 Lichtblau‚  252 Olivgrun‚  253 Dunkelgrun
