Truth Hurts Board Game

Truth Hurts Board Game

    Truth Hurts is a wonderful, quirky, fun party game designed to elicit squeals of laughter, hours of camaraderie, passionate debate and the occasional twist in the tale.
    Oh, and if you are really competitive, yes there can be a winner, first to 20 points wins!

    Playing time 20–40 minutes.
    Number of Players: 4–8
    For ages 8 to adult

    100 Truth Hurts Question Cards
    Truth Hurts Identifiers with holders
    8 Red Voting Chips
    8 Blue Voting Chips
    8 Green Voting Chips
    8 Yellow Voting Chips
    8 Purple Voting Chips
    8 Orange Voting Chips
    8 Pink Voting Chips
    8 Chocolate Voting Chips
    Game book

    We know that “many a truth is told in jest”
    The question often is: do we really want to tell the truth?!

    The youngest player starts by drawing the first card from the deck. Each question has a positive and a negative option. The player chooses either option and reads the question aloud to the group.
